To promote quality library services and programs for all children from birth to young adult throughout Virginia.
Membership in the Youth and Family Services Forum is open to all members of the Virginia Library Association with an interest in Youth Services. To join the forum, login to VLA.org and edit your profile to add the Youth and Family Services Forum to your list of forums.
Committee Information
1. To provide members and other library staff with information about resources and programs for all families from birth to young adult.
2. Encourage the exchange of information and ideas about library resources, programs, and concerns among those who work directly with children, young adults, and/or new or veteran parents.
3. To advocate for quality library services and programs to all children from birth to young adult.
4. To promote reading as a lifelong and enjoyable aspect of life.
5. To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion services from birth to young adult.
Officers & Responsibilities
Youth and Family Services Forum officers include Chair and bylaws/Chair-Elect. The Executive Committee of the Youth and Family Services Forum includes Chair, by-laws/Chair-Elect, Immediate Past Chair, Social Media Coordinator, Secretary, and regional representatives.
A. Chair
- Pay Association dues by January 1 of each year in office.
- Attend VLA Council meetings and participate in Association affairs.
- Initiate and maintain communication with forum members.
- Plan, promote, and sponsor forum activities, continuing education programs, and annual conference programs as needed.
- Maintain record of forum activities; preserve and pass on to successors a record of work and activities with recommendations for change or actions.
B. Chair-Elect
- Pay Association dues by January 1 of each year in office.
- Attend Youth and Family Services Forum meetings and participate in Association affairs.
- Assist chair in preparing agenda, program planning, and budget preparation.
- Attend at least two VLA Council meetings.
C. Immediate Past Chair
- Be a member of the conference committee for one year to encourage youth services participation and help with other duties as needed.
D. Regional Representatives
- Pay Association dues by January 1 of each year in office and participate in Association affairs.
- Attend meetings of the Youth and Family Services Forum.
- Plan, promote, and sponsor programs as needed and identified through email, phone, social media, and/or in person.
- Serve a two-year term.
Useful Links
Professional Development
Useful Links
Youth and Family Services Forum Records