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2016 VLA Scholarship Winners

The Virginia Library Association is pleased to announce the winners of our 2016 Scholarships. This is the 25th anniversary of VLA providing scholarships to library school students in VA. Each winner receives $2,500.00 for their education. VLA appreciates the support of this program. To make a tax-deductible donation to the Scholarship fund, please click here.

Emily Correa won the Clara M. Stanley Scholarship. Valerie Gaylard and Elizabeth Walraven won the other two scholarships. For more information about our winners, continue reading. 


Call for Submissions: Virginia Libraries Journal, 2016

Dear colleagues,

Virginia Libraries journal is seeking articles for publication in the 2016 annual issue.

Articles in the 2016 annual issue will be published on an item-by-item basis between October through December, 2016. The deadline for submissions is August 1, 2016.

Virginia Libraries is an annual peer-reviewed open access journal published by the Virginia Library Association. The journal features peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed content of interest to all types of libraries (academic, public, corporate, school, and special), with a particular focus on content of interest to and deriving from the library community in Virginia. The journal's goal is to further research in all areas of library and information services, communicate best practices, and explore trends and issues of interest to the library profession.

Queries are welcome. For questions or more information, contact the Editorial Board via email.

VLA Library License Plate Committee Seeking Members

VLA has a volunteer opportunity for you to serve on a subcommittee between now and July of 2017.

We intend, by the summer of 2017, to have a library license plate available for purchase via the VA DMV. In order to make this happen, VLA has a number of requirements we need to meet and we need your help!  This is a cross-functional team that will assist with marketing, promotion, record-keeping, design of the plate and other paperwork. 


Webinar Registration: Tips for New Managers

Description: So, you've been promoted to manager? Now what? This webinar will provide tips and tricks on stepping gracefully into your new role. You will receive guidance on meeting expectations, coaching and appraising staff, getting informed, managing up, down, and sideways, and keeping your skills fresh, too.

KimberlyKimberly is currently a manager at DC Public Library with 15 years of management experience in public libraries in DC and Virginia. A management and leadership training junkie, she has completed several sessions and workshops throughout her career.  Currently, she serves on the VLA Continuing Education Committee and Conference Planning Committee, as Director of Career and Leadership Development with DC Library Association, on the Scholarships and Study Grants Committee in ALA, and blogs for PLA Online. 

Sponsored by VLA's New Member Round Table Forum 


VLA 2016 Legislative Committee Update: Increase to State Aid and more

The 2016 Virginia General Assembly proved to be a successful session for the Virginia Library Association. Senator Tommy Norment and Delegate Tag Greason were patrons of VLA’s budget amendments requesting a $2.5 million increase in state aid to local public libraries in Virginia.  This request faced an uncertain future just after cross-over when the House of Delegates proposed no increase in funding for state libraries, while the Senate proposed an increase of $1 million that would be funded in both years of the 2016-2018 budget.  Library supporters successfully lobbied the budget conferees who agreed to an increase of $500,000 in both years of the next budget to produce a total $1 million increase in state aid to local libraries.

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