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2017 VLA Election of Officers: Candidate Statements and Biographies

VLA's election of 2017 Officers is going on now.

Click here to vote


Please take the time to read the Candidate's Biographical Information and Candidate Statements.

Remember, in order to vote in the election you MUST BE A MEMBER OF VLA (Individual or Life Member.) To become a member or renew your membership, click here.


VLA Website Security: Message Sent to Website Users

The following message was emailed on June 10, 2016

Hello VLA Members and Supporters,

The Arkansas Library Association site was recently hacked and according to the FBI it was by an ISIS-affiliated website. Below are some links sent to us by the American Library Association.

Your security and the security of your information is incredibly important to us. We have been in touch with our website manager, Memberclicks, and wanted to share their security policy information with you:

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Lisa R. Varga, VLA Executive Director

[email protected]


2016 Mentoring Session: Don't miss out!

Mentoring Throughout Your Career:  Lighting the Path to Success
Tuesday, July 26, 2016     9:00am – 3:00pm
Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

Highlights of the program, Mentoring Throughout Your Career:  Lighting the Path to Success, will include:


Jennifer Knievel is an Associate Professor and the Director of Arts and Humanities at the University of Colorado Boulder Libraries. She has served as an NMRT resume reviewer for more than a decade, regularly supervises interns and meets with students interested in a career in librarianship, and currently chairs the promotion and tenure committee in the CU Boulder Libraries. Jennifer is passionate about equitable access to mentoring and creating opportunities for new members of the profession.


Slogan Contest Now Open

The Virginia Library Association needs your help! We are applying for a library license plate with the Department of Motor Vehicles. While VLA works on the design, we need your assistance with the SLOGAN for the bottom of the plate.

Between now and June 16, 2016 we are accepting suggestions for the slogan via a SurveyMonkey form. Once all of the slogans have been submitted, the VLA License Plate Committee and the VLA Executive Committee will choose the slogan that will be used on the license plate. The person who submits the winning slogan will receive a complimentary registration to the VLA 2016 Annual Conference, October 26-28 at the Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, VA.

You do not need to be a member of the Virginia Library Association to participate in this slogan contest. You may enter this contest multiple times, with a different slogan for each entry. For more information and to enter the contest, please click here:

For more information about this project, please visit the VLA License Plate Committee information page.

The deadline to participate in the contest is 5pm on June 16.

Thank you,

The 2016-2017 License Plate Committee of the Virginia Library Association


Call for Nominations: 2016 VLA Awards

In order to celebrate the accomplishments of academic and public librarians who transform libraries throughout the Commonwealth, the Virginia Library Association has created four new awards.  

***The deadline to submit nominations has passed.*** 

VLA Awards Criteria

The new awards are as follows:

The Academic Innovator Award
This award recognizes academic librarians or academic project teams who have made an outstanding contribution to advance the mission of an academic library in Virginia through an innovative project, program or service during the nomination period.  (calendar year 2015 for award given in 2016)

The Public Library Innovator Award
This award recognizes public librarians or public library project teams who have made an outstanding contribution to advance the mission of a public library in Virginia through an innovative project, program or service during the nomination period.  (calendar year 2015 for award given in 2016)

The Up and Comer Award
This award recognizes a librarian who shows leadership early in his or her career. While new to the profession, he/she expands the role of librarian with forward-thinking efforts that help move libraries into the future. Winners of this award will be energetic librarians, with less than five years of professional experience, who push the boundaries of originality and creativity.

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