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News For You: #2018VLA Conference Update

September 20, 2018

2018/Conference Special

In the Issue

  1. Registration and Packet Pick Up
  2. Wednesday in Williamsburg
  3. #2018VLA
  4. Jump In, Get Involved
  5. Thursday Dine-Arounds
  6. Scholarship Tickets In Advance
  7. Conference Documents and Slideshows
  8. REMINDER: Bring Your Own Tote
  9. Pro Tip: Bring a Refillable Water Bottle


Conference Location: Colonial Williamsburg Lodge, 310 S. England Street, Williamsburg, VA. Please note hotel check-in time is 4:00 pm and is on the Main Level.

Parking: Parking at the Colonial Williamsburg Lodge is complimentary for self-parking, $15 per day for valet. Parking maps have been added to the VLA Conference Portal.

Volunteer: The VLA conference can't succeed without volunteers! Browse our volunteer opportunities and sign up to help today!

Conference App: Download it today from your App Store! Search Virginia Library Association or 2018VLA!

Wednesday Tours and Activites: There is still time to sign up!

Our Final Conference Program is now available!

Registration and Packet Pick Up

Early Registration: Wednesday, September 26, 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm, Main Level, outside the Colony Room at the Colonial Williamsburg Lodge.

Thursday Registration: Begins at 9:00 am, outside the Virginia Room on the lower level of the Conference Center. Coffee and light breakfast will be served in the rear of the Exhibit Hall.

Friday Registration: The Exhibit Hall will open at 8:30 am and closes at 3. Registration is in the rear of the Exhibit Hall.

Wednesday in Williamsburg

So many options to choose from! Join Cycling for Libraries (just $35 for bike rental, helmet and lock!) or choose from one (or more) of the free, amazing tours our Local Arrangements Committee has organized! We've also got a New Members Round Table Pub Crawl Wednesday evening. Sign up now to secure your spot!


Join the fun on social media with #2018VLA. All public posts from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be available on our Tagboard at the Lodge. Be sure to follow us on Facebook if you aren't already! Our Social Media Team has been having a lot of fun posting this year...

Jump In, Get Involved!

As the 2018 VLA Conference approaches, we are already looking forward to 2019! Following the Conference, there will be opportunities for VLA members to serve on various committees and forums. We are currently working on revising our Committee Interest Application, but in the meantime, if you have questions about serving on a committee or a forum let VLA 2nd Vice President Adrian Whicker ([email protected]) know of your interest and he will be in touch. There will be vacancies on each of the following committees: Continuing Education, Intellectual Freedom, Awards and Recognition, Scholarship, Conference, Jefferson Cup, Legislative, and Website Content.

Thursday Dine-Arounds

Thursday night Dine-Around sign ups are still open! We've made reservations for Thursday evening dinner for you! Dine arounds are a great way to network and meet new people. Please sign up for the dine around you would like to attend. Each participant is responsible for the cost of their meal and for travel to and from the restaurant

Save Time, Support VLA Scholarships

The Annual VLA Scholarship Basket Raffle is one of our biggest fundraisers for VLA Scholarships. Save time by buying your tickets in advance and pick them up at your leisure in the Scholarship Booth outside the exhibit hall in the Virginia Foyer, lower level. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.

Want to donate a basket? Please contact 2018 VLA Scholarship Chair Michael Hibben.

Conference Documents and Slideshows

As we receive them, documents from VLA presenters will be posted on our Annual Conference Portal. Are you a VLA Presenter? Submit your documents through this form. Attendees: thank you for your patience as we load these. Many schedules were affected by the weather in VA last week and early this week; presenter safety was paramount and many were not able to finish their presentations yet.

REMINDER: VLA is a Bring-Your-Own-Tote Conference

PRO TIP: Bring a refillable bottle for non-stop access to hydration stations in the back of each session room.

Virginia Library Association | PO Box 56312 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 | 757-689-0594

[email protected]


#2018VLA Scholarship Basket Raffle: Build a Basket, Build a Librarian

Dear Conference Attendees,

The VLA conference is about a week out and as you think about what to pack, please consider bringing a gift basket for the VLA Scholarship Basket Raffle. The raffle is one of the most popular events at the conference and the baskets are donated primarily by VLA members. Monies raised support the annual VLA Scholarships and help future librarians complete their education.

Ideas for baskets: Not sure of a theme for your basket? Check out this graphic containing nearly 90 possible ideas!

Pre-pay for your tickets: Save yourself some time and purchase your tickets in advance, then visit the Scholarship Booth during the conference and pick up your tickets!

Pro Tip: Bring stickers with your name and phone number on them to put on your tickets -- saves a ton of time!

Lottery Scratch-off Tickets: Can’t organize a basket this year, but still want to help? Purchase some inexpensive scratch-off lottery tickets for our first ever lottery ticket trees! You’ll help raise money for VLA scholarships - and possibly make one lucky conference attendee a millionaire!

Where to See the Baskets & Buy Tickets: Come see the baskets and buy tickets at the Scholarship Basket Raffle booth outside the Exhibit Hall on the Lower Level of the conference center. The Scholarship Booth hours are Thursday, September 27, 8:30am - 5:00pm and Friday, September 28, 9:00am - 2:00pm.

The Scholarship drawing will take place at the conclusion of the VLA Business Meeting on Friday afternoon. You do not need to be present to win. Your basket can be picked up by a colleague, but must be claimed by 4:00pm on Friday.

Want to donate a basket?: Baskets can be dropped off at the Scholarship Raffle table at around 8:00am on Thursday, September 27. If you plan to bring a basket, please email me at [email protected].

See you at the Conference,

Michael Hibben

Chair, VLA Scholarship Committee

-updated 09/18/2018


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News For You: #2018VLA Conference Update

September 10, 2018

2018/Conference Special

In the Issue

  1. Meal Tickets
  2. Registration and Packet Pick Up
  3. Wednesday in Williamsburg
  4. #2018VLA
  5. Newsletter Sponsor: Friends of the Portsmouth Public Library
  6. Thursday Dine-Arounds
  7. Scholarship Tickets In Advance
  8. Friday Luncheon Prizes
  9. Conference Documents and Slideshows

Registration Deadline EXTENDED

Please note: Due to the expected impact of Hurricane Florence, VLA recognizes that your priorities this week may have shifted. We are extending VLA conference registration without a late fee to September 19, 2018.

Conference Location: Colonial Williamsburg Lodge, 310 S. England Street, Williamsburg, VA. Please note hotel check-in time is 4:00 pm and is on the Second Floor.

Parking: Parking at the Colonial Williamsburg Lodge is complimentary for self-parking, $15 per day for valet. Parking maps have been added to the VLA Conference Portal.

Volunteer:The VLA conference can't succeed without volunteers! Browse our volunteer opportunities and sign up to help today!

Our Final Conference Program is now available!

Meal Ticket Purchase Deadline Extended to 9/19

Just as we've extended the deadline to register without a late fee, we are extending the deadline to purchase meal tickets. If your amployer will not pay for meals, please purchase tickets here.

Our meal plan includes a ticket for the Wednesday Scholarship & Awards Banquet, the Thursday Box Lunch, and the Friday Drag Queen Storytime and Bingo/Networking Lunch. Or, you can buy tickets individually.

Registration and Packet Pick Up

Early Registration: Wednesday, September 26, 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm, Main Level, outside the Colony Room at the Colonial Williamsburg Lodge.

Thursday Registration: Begins at 9:00 am, outside the Virginia Room on the lower level of the Conference Center. Coffee and light breakfast will be served in the rear of the Exhibit Hall.

Friday Registration: The Exhibit Hall will open at 8:30 am and closes at 3. Registration is in the rear of the Exhibit Hall.

Wednesday in Williamsburg

So many options to choose from! Join Cycling for Libraries (just $35 for bike rental, helmet and lock!) or choose from one (or more) of the free, amazing tours our Local Arrangements Committee has organized! We've also got a New Members Round Table Pub Crawl Wednesday evening. Sign up now to secure your spot!


Join the fun on social media with #2018VLA. All public posts from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be available on our Tagboard at the Lodge. Be sure to follow us on Facebook if you aren't already! Our Social Media Team has been having a lot of fun posting this year...

Friends of the Portsmouth Public Library

This newsletter is brought to you by The Friends of the Portsmouth Public Library. Friends are Fundamental!

Thursday Dine-Arounds

Thursday night Dine-Around sign ups are open! We've made reservations for Thursday evening dinner for you! Dine arounds are a great way to network and meet new people. Please sign up for the dine around you would like to attend. Each participant is responsible for the cost of their meal and for travel to and from the restaurant

Save Time, Support VLA Scholarships

The Annual VLA Scholarship Basket Raffle is one of our biggest fundraisers for VLA Scholarships. Save time by buying your tickets in advance and pick them up at your leisure in the Scholarship Booth outside the exhibit hall in the Virginia Foyer, lower level. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.

Want to donate a basket? Please contact 2018 VLA Scholarship Chair Michael Hibben.

Prizes for Friday Luncheon & Bingo: Tickets $33 by September 19

Attending the Friday Luncheon & Bingo? Each attendee will recieve a bingo card -- extra cards will be available for $10 each. Prizes so far include: 2 nights at The Main (can be used for the 2019 VLA Conference); Bose Wireless Noise-Cancelling Headphones; a YETI soft cooler; an Away Travel Carry-On (with removable battery pack) and MORE!

Conference Documents and Slideshows

As we receive them, documents from VLA presenters will be posted on our Annual Conference Portal. Are you a VLA Presenter? Submit your documents through this form.

Virginia Library Association | PO Box 56312 Virginia Beach, VA 23456 | 757-689-0594

[email protected]


VLA 2019 Election of Officers Results

Please join us in congratulating the newly-elected members of the Virginia Library Association Executive Committee for 2019!


Jennifer Resor-Whicker has been elected to a 3-year term as Vice President/President Elect. Jennifer is currently a Reference/Instruction Librarian at Radford University’s McConnell Library. She has served on the VLA Executive Committee as Secretary (2016-2018) and chaired the 2017 Annual Conference Committee.



Kayla Payne has been elected to a 2-year term as Secretary. Kayla is currently the Technology Services Librarian for the Staunton Public Library.

Jennifer and Kayla will begin their roles at the conclusion of the VLA Annual Conference Business Meeting, Friday, September 28, in Williamsburg, VA. They will join the other members of the 2019 VLA Executive Committee:


Jessica Scalph, President
Todd Elliott, Immediate Past-President
Adrian Whicker, Second Vice President
Cori Biddle, Treasurer
Samantha Thomason, ALA Councilor
Lisa R. Varga, Executive Director

VLA Officer Elections are held annually in August and September. Elections closed on August 24, with 32% of VLA members participating.


2019 VLA Election of Officers:
Candidate Statements & Biographies

The election of the 2019 Virginia Library Association (VLA) Officers opens July 25, 2018 and will close on August 24, 2018.


Remember, in order to vote in the election you MUST BE A MEMBER OF VLA (Individual or Life Member.) You are always welcome to become a member or renew your membership.


Good luck to all of our candidates! The winners of the election will join the following previously-elected members of the VLA Executive Committee.

2019 VLA Candidate Biographical Information & Candidate Statements

Candidates for Vice President/President Elect (3-year position):

Shaunna Hunter (Hampden-Sydney College)

Shaunna Hunter

      • Shaunna Hunter's Biographical Information:
        • Shaunna Hunter is currently Director of the Walter M. Bortz III Library at Hampden-Sydney College, where she started as Public Services Librarian in 2002. Shaunna is a current member of VLA, ALA/ACRL, and the VIVA Collections Committee. She served as 2015 VLA Conference Co-Chair and VLA Treasurer from 2015-2017.
      • Shaunna Hunter's Candidate Statement:

I’ve always felt proud to work in a library and known I’ve chosen the right vocation, but becoming active in VLA has given me a new appreciation for the amazing work taking place in libraries. The first time I really became aware of the creative and inclusive programming across Virginia was during a session selection meeting while serving as VLA Conference Co-Chair in 2015. I was so impressed by the variety of sessions proposed by public, academic, and special libraries. I love my work as the Director of the Bortz Library at Hampden-Sydney College, but to see what my library colleagues where offering their communities all across the Commonwealth, often with limited resources and staff, I cannot remember being prouder to be a part of it.

After joining the Executive Committee and attending Council as VLA Treasurer, I got to see more. I saw members organizing to promote intellectual freedom and communicate their message effectively, I saw members volunteering hours of time to the Association updating the website, planning programming, judging for literary awards, fundraising for scholarships, and advocating for libraries directly to our lawmakers. I saw the Association recognizing the need to do more to promote diversity in hiring, services, and collections. But what I truly saw was an Association living up to its purpose to “develop, promote, and improve library services, library staff” and “to advance literacy and learning and to ensure access to information in the Commonwealth of Virginia.”

I would be very proud to serve as your VLA President, and I will work hard to responsibly fulfill my duties in the same way I do at work – by listening openly, and including (and appreciating), the voices and contributions of my library colleagues. I will work with our talented Executive Director and Committee, and VLA Council to continue exploring ways to increase membership, improve communication, and pursue strategies to ensure the financial strength of VLA. The future of libraries is bright, and together as an Association we can continue to serve our communities, support our staff through professional development, and communicate our value and impact to stakeholders.

Jennifer Resor-Whicker (Radford University)

Jennifer Resor-Whicker

      • Jennifer Resor-Whicker's Biographical Information:
        • Jennifer Resor-Whicker is the Coordinator of Information Literacy at Radford University’s McConnell Library, where she has been employed since 2010. She holds the faculty rank of assistant professor. She is an active member of the Radford University campus community, serving on various faculty committees and search committees. Her BA in English literature and MLIS are both from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She is a graduate of the 2012 ACRL Teacher Track Immersion Program. She has published in Virginia Libraries, Communications in Information Literacy, Synergy and Internet Reference Services Quarterly. ALA’s Library Instruction Roundtable selected an article she co-authored with her RU colleagues on web evaluation as one of the top 20 articles of 2013.

          Jennifer has been a member of VLA since 2008. She served as Secretary/Treasurer of VLACRL from 2013-2015. She served as co-chair to The Innovative Library Classroom conference for the 2014-2018 conferences. She served as volunteer coordinator for the 2015 and 2016 VLA Annual Conferences. In 2017, she served as the VLA Annual Conference Chair for the conference held in Norfolk, VA. She is currently serving on Executive Committee as the Secretary of VLA.
      • Jennifer Resor-Whicker’s Candidate Statement:

VLA has been a huge part of my growth as a librarian since I began my professional career in 2010. It has helped me find my passion as a librarian, and that passion is service through VLA. Once I began attending VLA sponsored events, I knew I wanted to give back in service to the wonderful librarian community that Virginia has. VLA has given me many opportunities to serve in the profession, including serving as VLACRL Secretary/Treasurer, VLA Secretary, and the 2017 VLA Annual Conference Committee Chair. Chairing the 2017 VLA Annual Conference that was held in Norfolk, VA was one of the proudest moments in my career.

It is an honor to be nominated for VLA President-Elect. I believe that my work leading many large projects in VLA and at Radford University, has prepared me for this position. I have learned a great deal about VLA serving in VLACRL, on numerous conference committees, and on the VLA Executive Committee. If elected, I will continue the invaluable work that has been done by the previous VLA presidents. I will continue to advocate for continuing education and professional development opportunities for VLA members. I will also continue to work with the legislative committee to develop relationships with members of the General Assembly that will help fund our libraries and meet challenges to access to information. Thank you for this opportunity to continue to serve VLA.

Candidates for VLA Secretary (2-year position):

Kayla Payne (Staunton Public Library)

Kayla Payne

      • Kayla Payne’s Biographical Information:
        • Kayla Payne currently serves as the Technology Services Librarian for the Staunton Public Library. Employed since December 2012, she has also held various positions within the library in the Circulation, Reference, and Youth Services Departments. She has a Bachelor of Arts in History from James Madison University and received her MLIS from the University of South Carolina.
      • Kayla Payne’s Candidate Statement:

I am honored to be considered for the nomination for VLA Secretary. I had the pleasure of attending the Virginia Library Leadership Academy (VALLA) in 2014. My leadership project involved training staff on the promotion and usage of electronic resources. This experience encouraged me to become more involved in the Virginia Library Association. I served on the 2016 Jefferson Cup Committee and have participated in the Leadership Development Forum, Continuing Education Committee, and the Collections & Technical Services Forum.

I believe I have the skills necessary to fulfill the duties of VLA Secretary. In my position as Technology Services Librarian, I compile usage statistics, develop training procedures and necessary documentation, coordinate acquisitions, cataloging, and processing activities, and maintain the Library’s website, newsletter, and social media presence. These activities require attention to detail and demand clear, concise communication to ensure consistent workflows for patrons and staff alike. As Secretary, I promise to preserve and disseminate content related to the Association in a timely and efficient manner.

Serving on the VLA Council would be a valuable opportunity to learn more about the organization and contribute to librarianship in the Commonwealth. Thank you for your consideration.

Adrienne Davis (Handley Regional Library)

Adrienne Davis

      • Adrienne Davis's Biographical Information:
        • Adrienne Davis joined the Handley Regional Library system as a paraprofessional Reference Assistant in 2003. After receiving her MLIS from Florida State University in 2012, she worked as a Reference Librarian for two years. In 2014, Adrienne was promoted to the position of system wide Adult Services Division Head. As division head, Adrienne manages the Library’s two Information Desks and the public Internet stations. She supervises a staff of eleven; oversees department services from meeting rooms to Interlibrary Loans; and department programs including the Adult Summer Reading Program. She also co-chairs the Library’s Marketing Committee and manages the Music CD collection.

          Strategically, she focuses her energies on helping people connect with and utilize the best library resources that meet their needs. Resources include services and collections available within library branches and the growing services available online, from articles and research to downloading eBooks. In addition to determining best resources, Adrienne focuses on increasing awareness of those resources in the community, and providing ongoing instruction on how to use them.

          Before joining Handley Regional Library, Adrienne worked in nonprofit management as the development officer for Greater Richmond SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now). She managed the annual fund, special event fundraisers, foundation grants, and corporate contributions as well as assisted with the organization’s public awareness campaigns.
      • Adrienne Davis's Candidate Statement:

The common thread in all my various roles (past, present, and future) in a public library is the opportunity I have to make connections for people and with information.  The Virginia Library Association has helped me in that endeavor and all that it involves; most importantly by connecting me with the resources, education and people I need to determine what contributions I can make and where I want to lead. The VLA’s programs support all the people that make libraries work. VLA provides not only essential tools and learning opportunities, but also the space for library workers to come and be together to collaborate, share our experiences, and inspire each other. I am honored to be nominated for this office and would happily contribute my skills and energy however needed to ensure the continued success and effectiveness of the state library association.


Candidate for VLA Life Membership:

Margaret Beattie (Central Rappahannock Regional Library)

Kayla Payne

      • Margaret Beattie's Biographical Information:
        • Hailing from Mobile, Alabama, Margaret J. Beattie was a newlywed fresh from college when she took on her first job at Central Rappahannock Regional Library (CRRL) in 1978 as a cataloger. Over her nearly 40-year career at CRRL, Margaret would work as a cataloger, head of the library’s juvenile department, and branch manager of the Headquarters facility, a position from which she would retire. She received her MLIS from Catholic University.

          Along with paraprofessional coworker Lee Adams, in 1979 Margaret was a brainchild behind the development of the Paraprofessional Forum in the Virginia Library Association, now known as the Professional Associates Forum.

          With her characteristic boundless enthusiasm for public service, Margaret encouraged her customers in the pursuit of knowledge and the arts.

          Margaret kept the library running while the historic old Headquarters building and its Virginiana collection went through renovations, large and small; suffered earthquakes and tornadoes, and risked floods.

          To her coworkers, Margaret was an indomitable spirit. She mentored younger employees and made certain they were given every opportunity to hone their own skills. Even employees who didn’t work directly with or for Margaret considered her to be an indispensable asset as she was quick to help in any situation and could be counted on to find a solution to nearly any problem. If Margaret’s years at CRRL could be easily summed up in a single phrase, it would simply be “she was committed to lifelong learning and building community”. She has left an indelible mark on Central Rappahannock Regional Library.

          Margaret raised her three children in the bosom of the library family, and now has three grandchildren to adore in retirement.


The election of the 2019 Virginia Library Association (VLA) Officers opens July 25, 2018 and will close on August 24, 2018.


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