Meet A Member: Kathy Clevenger

Kathy ClevengerWhere do you work?
Culpeper County Library in Culpeper, VA.

What is your current position?
I am currently the Circulation and Volunteer Coordinator.

When did you first know that you wanted to be a librarian?
Although I started my career as a nurse and Registered Cardiovascular Technologist, I always had a passion for libraries and all they had to offer the community. From the time I can remember, I visited libraries by going to our local community library and also visiting through a bookmobile when visiting extended family. I moved to Virginia in 2000, and decided that it was a great time to switch from my nursing career to my second passion, libraries. Starting as a volunteer, I quickly moved up the ladder into my current position as Circulation and Volunteer Coordinator for Culpeper County Library.

What was your first library job?
I started as a Circulation volunteer at Culpeper County Library.

What is your favorite part of librarianship?
I love customer service! Working with the public is often challenging, but I look at it as an opportunity to meet the needs of a diverse population as we learn from each other. I have my Certification of Library Support Staff through ALA. Since I don't have a Masters in Library Science, I feel this has shown my commitment to the field of Library Sciences. I work with a great group of individuals, both Librarians and Professional Associates, who respect each other and what they bring to the field.

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you on the job?
I had a patron walk up to me at the circulation desk where there were other patrons checking out and asked, "What time do you open?" I told him our normal operating hours at which time he said, "No, what time do you open today?" I stated. "We are open." He walked away saying, "That's nice to know." I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone.

If you could have anything in the universe installed in your office for your personal use, what would it be?
I would love a heated back massager attached to my office chair. And, if there is every such an item, something to automatically file all the papers on my desk.

What is something your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?
I have a tattoo of a dragonfly on my lower back. And no, I would never get another tattoo. No matter what they tell you, it hurts!

Interview conducted by Gregg Grunow.
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