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Graphic Novel Diversity Award Banner

2023 Virginia Library Association Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winners

The Graphic Novel Diversity Award (GNDA) celebrates diversity captured within the pages of graphic novels. In 2023, our eighth year offering the award, 47 publishers submitted 162 titles in two categories– Adult and Youth. The Committee is proud to announce the winners and honor books selected for the 2023 Award.

The two winning titles will receive a $500 award and will be recognized during the Opening Session at the 2024 VLA/VLACRL Annual Conference on Thursday, October 17, 2024. This year's conference is at the Norfolk Waterside Marriott, Norfolk, VA. More information about the conference, including registration, can be found here.

Click the buttons below for a downloadable PDF of the committee's complete selections for the 2023 Graphic Novel Diversity Awards, including the winners, honors, and overflow choices. Learn more about the Graphic Novel Diversity Award and committee information here.

Adult Winner Booklist ButtonYouth Winner Booklist Button

2023 Adult Winner

The committee is pleased to announce Queenie: Godmother of Harlem by Elizabeth Colomba and Aurelie Levy, published by ABRAMS as the 2023 Adult Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winner.

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner Creators 2023 VLA GNDA Adult Winner Creator

2023 Youth Winner

The committee is pleased to announce Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo Duvall, published by Levine Querido as the 2023 Youth Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winner.

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner Creators2023 VLA GNDA Youth Winner Creators

 2023 Adult Honors

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Adult Honor

2023 Youth Honors

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor

2023 VLA GNDA Youth Honor


VLA ACRL Member Survey Results


In May 2024, VLA President Nan Carmack and VLACRL Chair Jenny Stout created a survey titled “VLA ACRL Member Survey” and shared it across the VLA and VLACRL member listservs. VLACRL is the Virginia Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, therefore, this survey was of particular interest to librarians who work in college and university libraries in Virginia. The purpose of this survey was to solicit member input for VLARCL programming to ensure that the forum meets the needs of its members.

Click here to see the results of the survey.

Thanks to all who participated in this survey! VLACRL Leadership is in the process of discussing possible future events that align with the results.

Do you have questions or ideas? Email Jenny Stout at [email protected]


2024 Scholarship Recipients

2024 VLA Scholarship Recipients

The VLA Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 scholarship recipients. Congratulations to Sahadev Poudel, Gay Acompandado, and Shannon Marrero on their academic excellence and dedication to librarianship in Virginia. They each receive $3000 from VLA to help with costs associated with their education.

 Sahadev Poudel

Sahadev Poudel 2024 Scholarship Winner.Sahadev Poudel, a passionate advocate for library services and community engagement, has dedicated himself to breaking down barriers and promoting access to information. As a member of the immigrant community, Sahadev recognizes the gaps in awareness surrounding library resources and services. His dream is to become a librarian—a role that allows him to champion for reading, learning, and equitable access to knowledge. Currently serving as a Maker Lab Coordinator, Sahadev has transformed his library into a vibrant learning space. His work in creating a dynamic environment for exploration and creativity underscores his commitment to education and innovation. However, Sahadev aspires to go further. His specific goal is to become a STEAM Librarian, leveraging his passion for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics to inspire library users.

To achieve this dream, Sahadev knows that obtaining a master’s degree in library science is essential. Without this foundational qualification, he cannot fully step into a leadership role within the library field. Sahadev envisions himself advocating for Maker Labs not only in his own branch but across the entire FCPL (Fairfax County Public Libraries) system. His voice, informed by both practical experience and academic knowledge, will shape the future of library services. Sahadev is grateful for his supportive work environment, where his daily experiences inform his studies and vice versa. Sahadev strives to complete his master’s degree, which will serve as the backbone of his career. With this credential, he can lead, manage, and coordinate system-wide Maker Labs, ensuring that every branch embraces STEAM programming and fosters a love for creative learning. Congratulations, Sahadev!

 Gay Acompanado

Gay Acompandado 2024 Scholarship WinnerGay Acompanado, a dedicated and passionate scholar, has made significant contributions to the field of librarianship. With over 16 years of combined library experience, Gay has held classified full-time staff roles in two Virginia academic libraries. Her journey began as an archival assistant at the Special Collections and Archives of James Branch Cabell Library, part of the Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries. During her four years in this role, she gained valuable hands-on experience working with historical materials and unique collections.

For the past 12 years, Gay has served as the Art Library Supervisor at the Elise N. Hofheimer Art Library within the Old Dominion University Libraries. In this position, she has been instrumental in helping students, faculty, staff, and library users connect with resources that support their information needs and interests. Her commitment to library instruction, reference services, research support, collection development, and programming has made a lasting impact on the academic community. Recognizing the importance of continuous growth and professional development, Gay is now pursuing an MLIS degree from ODU’s recently accredited MLIS program. This strategic step will allow her to transition from her current professional associate role to more promising career opportunities as a professional librarian. Gay aspires to take on leadership positions in the future, leveraging her expertise in library management, providing course instruction, and engaging in community outreach. Her passion for teaching primary sources and unique collections aligns perfectly with her vision for a dynamic career in librarianship. As she advances, Gay aims to create user-centered library services, manage teams and projects effectively, and advocate for a diverse staff. Her dedication to the field exemplifies the spirit of scholarship and service that defines her journey as a scholar and librarian. Congratulations, Gay!

Shannon Marrero

Shannon Marrero 2024 Scholarship WinnerShannon Marrero is an extraordinary individual whose journey has been shaped by resilience, passion, and an unwavering commitment to learning. From childhood visits to the local library to overcoming health challenges, her story is one of determination and inspiration. At age 10, Shannon faced a life-altering diagnosis of Optic Neuritis. Undeterred, she turned to books as a source of solace and knowledge. Even through blurry vision, she immersed herself in stories like “My Mama is a Llama” by Deborah Guarino, a testament to her indomitable spirit.

During her college years, Shannon delved into the world of libraries, completing three years of work study at Shenandoah University’s Library and in the Pharmacy Library at the University of Connecticut. Her passion for literature and community engagement led her to the children’s department at Chesapeake Public Library, where she offers invaluable reader’s advisory services. By recommending books tailored to young readers’ interests, Shannon encourages a lifelong love of reading. But Shannon doesn’t stop there. As a Registered Yoga and Children’s Yoga Teacher, she creates imaginative adventures through programs like reader’s theater, teen painting sessions, and children’s yoga classes. These initiatives not only enhance literacy and theater skills but also ignite enthusiasm for reading among children and teens. With a stellar academic record (a proud 4.0 student at the University of Alabama pursuing an MLIS), Shannon embodies a spirit of library transformation and renewal. Her vision extends beyond physical books, focusing on digital literacy and empowering others in their research pursuits. Settling in Suffolk, Virginia with her husband, she plans to continue her impactful work as a Youth Librarian after graduating in the summer of 2025. Congratulations, Shannon!


Intellectual Freedom Committee Statement on Academic Freedom Banner

Statement on Academic Freedom from the Virginia Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee 

Recent protests across Virginia's university campuses regarding the conflict in Gaza have highlighted concerns about intellectual freedom in higher education.  The implications for free speech and access to information are significant.

The Virginia Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee staunchly supports intellectual freedom, equitable access to information, and the free exchange of ideas as follows:

1.  Reaffirm Students' Right to Peaceful Protest: Students have the right to peaceful protest and expression of moral concerns. However, university administrators have the responsibility to publicize content-neutral, time, place, and manner rules for protest so other students can pursue their academic studies unimpeded.

2.  Distinguish Between Critique and Discrimination: Criticism of any government’s or political entity’s decisions, or military actions, or of university policies should not in themselves be equated with bigotry. It is crucial for university administrators and community leaders to discern between legitimate critique and discriminatory rhetoric.

3.  Ensure Academic Freedom: Instructors should not face penalties for assigning students reading or viewing material that presents diverse perspectives, including those critical or supportive of governmental policies or historical actions. Individuals should not be labeled as hostile to a population for recommending critical perspectives. Intellectual inquiry thrives on exploring differing viewpoints and accessing the widest range of information possible.

4.  Ensure Access to Information: University libraries must serve as repositories of a wide range of viewpoints, providing students with the broadest possible access to information. The integrity of libraries as centers for student learning and access to information must be protected.

We urge educators, administrators, policymakers, and the community at large to uphold intellectual freedom everywhere, especially in higher education. We encourage the public to seek information and utilize libraries to delve deeper into the issues prompting protests. Let us continue to cultivate an environment that nurtures critical thinking, robust dialogue, and the free exchange of ideas, safeguarding our institutions of higher learning as bastions of intellectual inquiry and academic excellence.

Virginia Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee

For more information, please visit the statements on free speech and academic freedom issued by the organizations below:

Please email any questions or concerns to [email protected].

2024 Call for Award Nominations Banner

2024 VLA Awards: Call For Nominations

The Virginia Library Association is now seeking nominations for our 2024 VLA Awards and our 2024 VLA Professional Associates Forum Awards. These awards will recognize contributions of library workers in Virginia during 2023. Please use the online submission form to submit your nominations by the deadline of July 5. 

Questions? Contact Rekesha Spellman, Awards Committee Chair, at [email protected].

Each nominee must meet the criteria for the award for which they are nominated. Nomination forms and accompanying documentation must be submitted prior to 11:59 p.m. on July 5, 2024.

The Award Winners will be honored at the Opening Session of the VLA Annual Conference, 10am on October 17, 2024 at the Norfolk Marriott Waterside, VA.

List of Awards and Criteria

In order to celebrate the accomplishments of those who support and transform libraries throughout the Commonwealth, the Virginia Library Association, through the hard work of the Awards and Recognition Committee, offers a number of awards. Winners are honored every year at the Virginia Library Association Annual Conference.

Academic Innovator Award

Academic Innovator AwardThis award recognizes academic librarians or academic project teams who have made an outstanding contribution to advance the mission of an academic library in Virginia through an innovative project, program or service during the nomination period.

  • Nominees must be employed by or associated with an academic or research library.
  • Projects, programs, or services should demonstrate creativity, quality, and innovation within the context of an academic institution. Innovation is defined as creating something new or introducing new methods with great results.  Innovation will be considered very broadly and is not limited to technology.

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

Advocacy Award Advocacy Award

Individuals (librarians or professional associates), libraries, or other organizations distinguished for advocacy of libraries and/or information access are eligible. Institutions, businesses, or academic programs whose activities have contributed to the development, growth, and extension of library and information services in the local community, the state, or the nation are also eligible.

The award consists of a plaque presented at the Annual Conference and one day’s food and lodging for the honoree or one representative of the honored group or organization.

Donna G. Cote Librarian of the Year Award Librarian of the Year

The award recognizes exemplary achievement of a working Virginia librarian who has made a significant contribution(s) at any level of librarianship during the nomination period. The award is named after Ms. Cote who worked for the award-winning Central Rappahannock Regional Library for 44 years, serving as Library Director for 34 years. A dedicated public servant and visionary leader, she made access for all her motto and provided cutting-edge technologies and learning opportunities for library customers the driving force of the library's mission. Ms. Cote was the recipient of numerous awards including the Elizabeth M. Lewis Award from the Virginia Public Library Directors Association (VPLDA) and was named Outstanding Library Director in 2003 by VPLDA.


Criteria for award include:

  • MLS degree holder, or a certified school/media specialist in Virginia.
  • Have made a significant contribution by any of the following:
  • Demonstrating the value of libraries
  • Enhancing the image of librarians and/or libraries
  • Promoting an accessible and positive climate in the library
  • Advancing community relations
  • Initiating a new library service or program

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

Friends of the Library Award Friends of the Library

This award is presented to a Friends group in recognition of distinguished service to libraries or a library in Virginia.

The award consists of a plaque presented at the Annual Conference and one day’s food and lodging for the honoree or one representative of the honored group or organization.

Honorary Life Membership

Honorary Life MembershipEligibility for nomination is open to all persons who have worked in and/or supported Virginia libraries and the association and who have made outstanding contributions to Virginia librarianship. Nominees are voted on by the VLA membership in the year in which the individual is nominated.

Election of nominee(s) by the membership bestows on the honorary life member(s) full benefits of membership without dues. The award includes a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

Librarian of Color Forum Award 

This award increases the visibility of librarians of color/library staff of color and their work in Virginia libraries. It promotes an inclusive, positive environment in the libraries for persons of color, and enhances the image of librarians and library professionals of color in the community. Librarian of Color Award

The following persons are eligible to be nominated:

  • Librarians and library staff of color serving in a library in Virginia
  • Exhibits excellence in service to libraries and communities of color
  • Conducted outreach or developed programming that encouraged engagement or removed barriers to library information and services

“Of Color” is defined as those who are American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African, and/or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, (using guidelines from the Spectrum Scholarship at ALA, including those who identify as multi-racial including at least one of the listed designations.

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference and a $250 cash honorarium.

Outstanding Professional Associates Award Outstanding Professional Associates Award

The Outstanding Professional Associates Award was launched in 1996 as a means of recognizing excellence among the library Professional Associates in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This award will be presented to a deserving Virginia Professional Associate at the VLAPAF Spring Conference. It is presented annually to an individual who has been a member of VLA for at least one year and who demonstrates excellence in performance in his/her field of expertise. This individual should also be someone who fosters communication among library employees throughout the Commonwealth and advances and strengthens the image of Professional Associates. You may nominate a colleague or yourself.

The entry should include:

  • Name of the nominee
  • Library where the nominee is associated
  • Two-three paragraphs describing why the nominee deserves this award
  • Additionally, the nomination may include a list of activities, programs and organization participation, recognitions or awards, innovative support staff development activities, or other noteworthy achievements in the workplace
  • Name and library of the nominator

Professional Associates Forum Award PAF Award

The VLA Professional Associates Forum Award was established in 1995 through the generosity of Evelyn Kimball, a retired library paraprofessional who recognizes the value of support staff development. This award is meant to assist someone who is unable to acquire local funding to attend the conference. Awarded annually, it will provide full conference fees to a deserving paraprofessional. You may nominate a colleague or yourself.

The entry should include:

  • Name of the nominee
  • Library where the nominee is associated
  • Two-three paragraphs describing why the nominee deserves this award
  • Name and library of the nominator

The award consists of complimentary conference fees and an award presented at the Annual Conference.

Public Library Innovator Award Public Library Innovator

This award recognizes public librarians or public library project teams who have made an outstanding contribution to advance the mission of a public library in Virginia through an innovative project, program or service during the nomination period.

  • Nominees must be employed by or associated with a public library.
  • Projects, programs, or services should demonstrate creativity, quality, and innovation within the context of a public institution. Innovation is defined as creating something new or introducing new methods with great results.  Innovation will be considered very broadly and is not limited to technology.

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

Trustee Library Award Trustee Award

This award recognizes the distinguished service to libraries or a library in Virginia. The Trustee honored may have served on the local, state, regional, or national level, or at a combination of levels.

The award consists of a plaque presented at the Annual Conference and one day’s food and lodging for the honoree or one representative of the honored group or organization.

Up and Comer Award Up and Comer

This award recognizes a librarian who shows leadership early in his or her career. While new to the profession, he/she expands the role of librarian with forward-thinking efforts that help move libraries into the future.  Winners of this award will be energetic librarians, with less than five years of professional experience, who push the boundaries of originality and creativity. They will help to establish a library culture that sets high expectations, promotes learning, and creates an understanding of the library as an integral part of the community.

  • The Up and Comer Award winner will be a librarian with 5 or fewer years of experience.
  • Only one person may receive the award each year.
  • Self-nominations are acceptable.

Criteria for the award include: MLS degree; Nominees must be employed as a full or part-time librarian in a Virginia library for five (5) years or fewer; Be energetic and innovative and one who pushes the boundaries of originality and creativity.

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

Virginia Library of the Year Award Library of the Year

The VLA Awards & Recognition Committee determines whether the award is granted in any given year. The award is conferred upon a Virginia library (public, academic, or special), library system, or library network for distinguished achievement in service. The library board or administering body, staff, and the community or campus served shall all be involved in the work for which recognition is sought.

The award shall be based upon such activities or accomplishments including any of the following:

  • Leadership in implementing user services that can be emulated by other libraries
  • Creativity and/or innovation in programming
  • Development of innovative partnerships through participation in networks and systems, or cooperative programming with other types of libraries or organizations
  • Collections based on sound selection policies
  • Changes or improvements in physical facilities resulting in better services
  • Development of opportunities for professional growth and job satisfaction for all employees.

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

 VLAPAF Supporter of Professional Associates Award Supporter of PAF

The VLAPAF Supporter of the Year Award was established in 1996 as a means of recognizing an individual who has provided significant support to their staff and who has been a champion for library support staff in Virginia libraries. If you know someone who has been an advocate for continuing education programs and pay increases for their library support staff and who has encouraged their library staff to excel in the workplace, you are encouraged to nominate them to receive this award and recognition. You may nominate a supporter of Professional Associates.

The entry should include:

  • Name of the nominee
  • Library where the nominee is associated
  • Two-three paragraphs describing why the nominee deserves this award
  • Name and library of the nominator

The award consists of a certificate or plaque presented at the Annual Conference.

For more information, contact:
Lisa R. Varga
VLA Executive Director
[email protected]

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