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VLA 2015 Presentation Academy


Would you like to…

Discover ways to brainstorm presentation ideas
Write effective conference proposals
Improve your public speaking skills
Design effective presentational aids
Receive formal feedback on a presentation?

Then sign up for VLA’s Presentation Academy! A recent survey of some VLA members revealed that a number of library professionals would be interested in presenting but requested help with the necessary skills.  This new venture is intended to support VLA members of all stripe, seniority, and persuasion in an effort to expand and improve presentations in our area.  Whether you are a seasoned professional just looking for some new ideas or a new member who wants to learn the basics, the Presentation Academy may be for you.

The Presentation Academy will be a hybrid experience. Participants will first attend an in-person workshop on Monday, March 2, in Charlottesville, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. At this meeting, we will brainstorm ideas for presentations, learn techniques to combat public speaking nerves, and discuss how to write a strong proposal.

In the summer, we will offer webinars on effective presentation design.  

In September, participants will then have an opportunity to give a “dress rehearsal” on a presentation to academy faculty members, who will offer constructive critiques.  

Additional benefits: .  For those of you who want to submit for VLA 2015, academy faculty members will provide written feedback to your draft proposals. During the VLA selection process, your proposals will be given extra consideration. Participants will be entered into a $100 drawing from the VLA Fundraising/Development Forum.  Participants who complete all activities will receive a certificate of completion.

Space is limited, so please apply by Monday, February 16.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Do I need to be at an academic or public library?
A. You can be any kind of library professional that has a membership to VLA or ACRL (Virginia resident). Student members are also welcome.

Q. How much does this cost?
A. There are no registration fees.  

Q. Do I have to attend the Charlottesville event?
A. This is the kickoff event for the academy and is required.

Q. Where will the Charlottesville meeting be located?
A. UVA’s Alderman Library will host us. VLA will cover parking expenses. Thank you, UVA and VLA!

Q. What if I just want to attend some of the events?
A. To be a participant, you must commit to the kickoff event in Charlottesville and the summer webinars. (Webinars will be recorded so that participants who cannot attend can watch at another time.) The September session is optional for those not presenting at VLA.

Q. Who are the Presentation Academy faculty members?
Candice Benjes-Small (VLACRL)
Ladd Brown (VLA Technical Services Forum)
Nathan Flinchum (VLA Executive Committee & Local History Forum)
Rebecca K. Miller (VLA Executive Committee & VLACRL)
Jennifer Resor Whicker (VLACRL)

I have other questions; who should I contact? Candice can be reached at [email protected]


Call for Proposals NOW OPEN

Libraries @ the Center
2015 VLA Conference
October 21-23, Richmond Marriott

“Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated”: This was far from the truth for Mark Twain, and the same can be said for libraries. Reports suggesting that libraries are losing their relevance in today’s technological world are proving to be equally false. In fact, libraries remain at the center: for students and teachers in K-12 schools, for college and university faculty and students, and for the public at large. Indeed, what other institution can say it has an impact on the cultural, social, educational, and civic fabric of our lives? The Virginia Library Association will commemorate its 110th Anniversary at the 2015 Annual Conference – Libraries @ the Center. Join us as we celebrate the vital role libraries continue to play in our communities by creating new environments for exploration, learning, interaction, and imagination!
What are you doing at your library to remain @ the Center? The VLA Conference Committee invites you to submit a session proposal by the April 15, 2015 deadline. This is a joint conference with the Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) and will include a VLA College and Research Libraries (VLACRL) Conference Within a Conference.
Suzy Szasz Palmer, VLA President
Shaunna Hunter and Samantha Thomason, VLA Conference Co-Chairs
Candice Small, VLA College and Research Libraries Chair (VLACRL)
Stephanie Miller, Virginia Association of Law Libraries (VALL) Representative
Lisa R. Varga, VLA Executive Director


EBSS RESEARCH FORUM – Call for Proposals

The Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Research Committee is holding its 9th Annual Research Poster Forum during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, California.  The Research Forum and reception follows the announcement and speech of the 2015 award winner for APA Excellence in Librarianship, and will take place on the afternoon of Saturday June 27, 2015.
The Forum seeks to provide beginning and established researchers an opportunity to present research in progress, receive collaborative feedback on their work and recommendations for future publishing.  Research / Posters will be simultaneously presented and discussed in small informal groups.   Attendees at the forum will find an arena for discussion and networking with their colleagues interested in research related issues and trends in the profession.  The committee will use a blind review process.
Proposals are due February 13, 2015.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the extent to which they:
1.       Measure and/or investigate library and information aspects in the fields of communication, psychology, social work and/or education.
2.       Represent the current interests of the membership of EBSS.
3.       Represent an original research project.
4.       Show evidence of carefully planned research design and thoughtful analysis.
5.       Clearly identify what stage of the project has been completed and estimate a timeline for the remainder of the project.
Note:  Research that has been previously published or accepted for publication by December 1, 2014 will not be considered.
1.       Format: Proposals should be 250-350 words, double spaced, 12 pt. font, one inch margins.
2.       The first page should include:
-          Date of Submission
-          Name of applicant(s) institution(s)
-          Applicant address(es)
-          Phone number(s)
-          E-mail address(es)
-          Title of the proposal
3.       Subsequent page(s) should include:  
-          Title of the proposal
-          Statement of the research question(s)
-          Research goals and objectives
-          Description of the methodology
-          Discussion and/or conclusions
Please email submissions to Benjamin Andrus at [email protected] by Friday, February 13, 2015.
Jill Morningstar, Co-chair
Education, Psychology & Children’s Literature Librarian
Michigan State University Libraries
366 W. Circle Drive
East Lansing, MI 48824
[email protected]
Yu-Hui Chen, Co-chair
Bibliographer and Outreach Librarian for Education
University Libraries - LI 304
University at Albany, SUNY
1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12222
(518) 442-3586 phone
(518) 442-3088 fax


Vote for the Lineup at The Innovative Library Classroom 2015

Help us select a dynamic lineup for The Innovative Library Classroom 2015

We received a large number of high quality proposals for our day-long conference, and need your help choosing the best and most innovative presentations, lightning talks, and conversation starters.  In addition to using the traditional peer review process, we are crowdsourcing reviews of the proposals by opening up public voting on the proposals.  Although conference coordinators will make the final selections, the decisions will be made based on results from both the peer review process and the public voting. 

Anyone who is considering attending TILC 2015 can vote.  All voting is anonymous, and we ask that you please vote only once.  Read the proposals and submit your votes now:

Voting will be open through Tuesday, December 9, 2014.

More information about the conference is available at The Innovative Library Classroom website.  



VLAPAF 2015 Seeking Proposals

The 2015 VLA Professional Associates Forum conference planning is in full swing -- please use our online form to submit your session proposal before our January 16 deadline!
Final acceptance notices will be sent by February 16th. Remember, if your session is selected, up to 2 presenters receive 50% off the conference registration fee.
With this year's theme of "Who Moved My Library," we hope to see a great variety of sessions.

Click here to submit your proposal:

Thank you,
VLA Professional Associates Forum Co-Chairs
Therese Walters [email protected]
Marion Eaton [email protected]
Kathy Clevenger [email protected]

Save the date! The VLAPAF Conference is May 17-19 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Richmond - Midlothian

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