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VLAPAF Award/Complimentary Conference Attendance

Registration for the 2023 VLAPAF Conference, The Library: Cornerstone of Your Community, opens in mid-February. Here is your chance to nominate yourself or a colleague for a COMPLIMENTARY REGISTRATION and TWO NIGHTS at the Newport News Marriott.

The VLA Professional Associates Forum Award (previously known as the VLA Paraprofessional Forum Award) was established in 1995 through the generosity of Evelyn Kimball, a retired library paraprofessional who recognizes the value of support staff development. This award is meant to assist someone who is unable to acquire local funding to attend the conference. Awarded annually, it will provide full conference fees to a deserving paraprofessional. You may nominate a colleague or yourself.

The entry should include: Name of the nominee; Library where the nominee is associated; 2-3 paragraphs describing why the nominee deserves this award; and the name and library of the nominator.

The award consists of complimentary conference registration and 2 nights at the Newport News Marriott hotel during the VLAPAF Conference in April 2023.

Complete the form here:

The VLAPAF Conference is returning for the first time since 2018! We hope you will join us, April 23-25, 2023 in Newport News! More information (pricing and a full schedule) will be shared in the coming days.

-February 10, 2023



2023 Cardinal Cup Committee: Seeking Members

Are you a history buff?  Do you enjoy reading new juvenile and young adult literature? Apply to be a member of the 2023 Cardinal Cup Award Committee!  (Don't know your region? Here is a list and map:

Applicants must be willing to make the time commitment to read and discuss the books submitted for consideration, as well as attend physical and/or virtual meetings. Complete the application linked below and return it to Vanessa Salo, Cardinal Cup Committee Chair, by October 31, 2022. Email your completed application to [email protected]

The Cardinal Cup honors two distinguished biography, historical fiction or American history books for children and young adults. Presented since 1983, the Cardinal Cup Committee’s goal is to promote reading about America’s past; to encourage the quality writing of United States history, biography and historical fiction for young people and to recognize authors in these disciplines. Read more and see previous winners here.

The Cardinal Cup Committee selects the winning titles. The committee has ten members: a chairperson and vice-chairperson (selected by the previous year’s committee), one person from each VLA region (total of six persons) selected by the current chair, the past chair of the previous year’s Cardinal Cup Committee and the outgoing chairperson of Youth Services Forum. All committee members must be members of VLA. Members may be employed by public libraries, schools or any type or bookstores; they may also be unemployed or retired.

You may nominate yourself or a colleague for consideration. Persons selected must be willing to commit a large amount of personal time to read and evaluate books; committee members may receive over 200 titles. Members will also have to attend daytime meetings which may be exclusively online or a combination of online and in person. Persons who serve on the committee should be knowledgeable of literature for young people and have book evaluation experience. Cardinal Cup Committee members are expected to present programs at the annual VLA and, possibly, VAASL conferences, so a supervisor must sign this application, indicating he or she will allow the person to attend the conferences and will assist with the member’s expenses.

Update to VLA Awards

This year the VLA Executive Committee voted to change the names of two of the Association’s awards, both previously named after historical Virginians. The Cardinal Cup (nee Jefferson Cup) continues to honor a distinguished biography, historical fiction, or American history book for young people. Renaming the cup after our state bird empowers VLA to engage broadly with history while still remaining true to our Commonwealth identity. The Advocacy Award (nee George Mason Award) honors individuals, libraries, or other organizations distinguished for advocacy of libraries and/or information access. This name change clarifies the purpose of the award for both nominators and award winners.

The Executive Committee identified all awards named after individuals, and selected these two for renaming. While Jefferson and Mason were both foundational figures in the early history of the Commonwealth and the country, neither has a specific link to the Virginia Library Association. In addition, both have complex biographies that are exclusionary to a growing portion of our membership. We chose to retain Donna G. Cote’s name for the Librarian of the Year Award, in recognition of her long and dedicated service to Virginia public libraries; and the Clara M. Stanley Scholarship will remain in honor of Ms. Stanley, who served on the VLA Professional Associates Board for more than a decade.

Many thanks to the dedicated members of our award and scholarship committees and juries, the Executive Committee, and the VLA Council for their careful consideration of and input into award names. The committees and juries do excellent work recruiting and evaluating award nominations every year. Congratulations to our 2022 award winners, and we look forward to seeing nominations for 2023.

Thank you, Prof. K.T. L. Vaughan, MSLS, EdD, 2022 VLA President

(Please give us grace over the next couple of months as we update the VLA website, forms, and other details.)

-September 28, 2022



Update to VLA Awards

This year the VLA Executive Committee voted to change the names of two of the Association’s awards, both previously named after historical Virginians. The Cardinal Cup (nee Jefferson Cup) continues to honor a distinguished biography, historical fiction, or American history book for young people. Renaming the cup after our state bird empowers VLA to engage broadly with history while still remaining true to our Commonwealth identity. The Advocacy Award (nee George Mason Award) honors individuals, libraries, or other organizations distinguished for advocacy of libraries and/or information access. This name change clarifies the purpose of the award for both nominators and award winners.

The Executive Committee identified all awards named after individuals, and selected these two for renaming. While Jefferson and Mason were both foundational figures in the early history of the Commonwealth and the country, neither has a specific link to the Virginia Library Association. In addition, both have complex biographies that are exclusionary to a growing portion of our membership. We chose to retain Donna G. Cote’s name for the Librarian of the Year Award, in recognition of her long and dedicated service to Virginia public libraries; and the Clara M. Stanley Scholarship will remain in honor of Ms. Stanley, who served on the VLA Professional Associates Board for more than a decade.

Many thanks to the dedicated members of our award and scholarship committees and juries, the Executive Committee, and the VLA Council for their careful consideration of and input into award names. The committees and juries do excellent work recruiting and evaluating award nominations every year. Congratulations to our 2022 award winners, and we look forward to seeing nominations for 2023.

Thank you, Prof. K.T. L. Vaughan, MSLS, EdD, 2022 VLA President

(Please give us grace over the next couple of months as we update the VLA website, forms, and other details.)

-September 28, 2022


VLA 2023 Election of Officers Results

Please join us in congratulating the newly elected members of the Virginia Library Association Executive Committee for 2023!

Nan Carmack has been elected to a 3-year term as Vice-President/President-Elect. Nan is currently the Director of Library Development and Networking at the Library of Virginia.





Rebecca Purdy has been elected to a 2-year term as Secretary. Rebecca is currently Deputy Director at Central Rappahannock Regional Library.




Kerri Copus has been elected to a 3-year term as ALA Councilor. Kerri is currently a part of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library System.




Nan, Rebecca, and Kerri will begin their roles at the conclusion of the VLA Annual Conference Business Meeting, Friday, October 21, in Norfolk, VA.

They will join the other members of the 2023 VLA Executive Committee:
Kimberly Knight, President
K. T. Vaughan, Immediate Past-President
Kyle Binaxas, Treasurer
Zach Elder, 2nd Vice President
Lisa R. Varga, Executive Director









2023 VLA Professional Associates Forum: Call for ProposalsThe VLAPAF Conference is BACK! We are gathering on April 24-25, 2023 at the Marriott at City Center in Newport News! This is the ultimate conference for library support staff in Virginia. We are currently seeking conference proposals (deadline December 2) and we want you to share your expertise with colleagues from all around the state.

Tips and tricks for submitting a stellar proposal:

  1. Keep your proposal clear and to the point. We get a lot of proposals; make it as easy as possible for the reviewers to get enthusiastic about your submission.
  2. Consider your audience. Explain why library staff would be excited to attend your presentation.
  3. Include the theme. Look for keywords and concepts in the call for proposals and incorporate them into your submission.

Before you complete the submission form, have the following information available:

Presentation Title
Session Description: Please write a short description, 50 words or less, of your presentation. Remember to proofread. If accepted, this information will be printed in the conference program.*
Session Preference: Choose your session preference. The Conference Committee will make every effort to honor your choices, but cannot guarantee time slots.*

  • Monday morning
  • Monday afternoon
  • Tuesday morning
  • Tuesday afternoon
  • No preference
  • Will repeat session if requested

Your presentation fits into which of the following categories?

  • Academic Libraries
  • Adult Services
  • Circulation Services
  • Collections and Technical Services
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • General Interest
  • Management
  • Outreach Services
  • Pandemic Services
  • Public Libraries
  • Public Services
  • Special Libraries
  • Special Services
  • Youth Services
  • Other

Level of audience expertise needed:

  • Novice
  • Experienced
  • Advanced
  • Suitable for all audiences
  • Other

Contact information for all presenters (up to 4 per session)

The VLAPAF Board will evaluate all session proposals and will be in touch with you in January 2023. Thank you for your support of library associates in Virginia! Up to two presenters per session receive $75 off their conference registration fees.

Conference Co-Chairs:
Kathy Clevenger, Culpeper County Public Library
Debbie Pence, Virginia Commonwealth University

Hotel rooms at the Newport News Marriott will be available at the VLA group rate of $119.00 per night plus taxes and fees. Parking is complimentary.  A link to reserve hotel rooms will be posted when conference registration opens. 

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