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2016 VLA Election Results

The Virginia Library Association is pleased to announce the newly-elected members of our Executive Committee.

Vice President/President-Elect: Keith Weimer, University of Virginia (3-year position)

Treasurer: Shaunna Hunter, Hampden-Sydney College (2-year position)

Second VP: M. Teresa Doherty, Virginia Commonwealth University (2-year position)

Keith, Shaunna and Teresa will assume their new responsibilities following the Friday morning Business Meeting (10/23) at the VLA Annual Conference in Richmond. They will join the other members of the VLA Executive Committee:

  • Suzy Szasz Palmer, 2015 VLA President, Longwood University
  • Martha Hutzel, 2016 VLA President, Central Rappahannock Regional Library
  • Cindy Church, Secretary, Library of Virginia
  • Samantha Thomason, ALA Councilor, Central Rappahannock Regional Library
  • Lisa R. Varga, VLA Executive Director (ex-officio)

Thank you to all of our candidates for their willingness to serve.




VLA Website Content Survey

Dear Virginia Library Association Members,

This past spring, the Ad Hoc Website Content Committee was created to evaluate the Virginia Library Association website and recommend improvements. We have been working hard to come up with ways the VLA website can better serve you. Now we need your help!

Below is a link to a survey that will help us understand how you use the website, your opinion of the look and navigation of the website, and what ideas you might have for making it better. The survey is short and should take you only 5-7 minutes to complete. All of your answers will be kept strictly confidential and will be used to create an internal report that will only be used by the Ad Hoc Website Content Committee and the Virginia Library Association Executive Committee to make improvements to the website.

To take the poll, click on this link:

The poll will only remain open until Monday, Oct. 5, so take it soon so your voice can be heard! Thank you for your participation. 


Elizabeth Land

VLA Ad Hoc Website Content Committee Co-Chair


[email protected]


ALA Councilor Announced

9/10/15: The Executive Committee received an outstanding number of applications for the position of VLA Chapter Councilor for 2016, and I’m pleased to announce that Samantha Thomason has been selected. (This appointment lasts for one year; VLA will elect a Councilor for a new 3-year term during our 2016 election process next summer.)
Samantha has been with the Central Rappahannock Regional Library for over sixteen years, first as a Web Developer and now as Media Strategies Librarian. She was the VLA Local History, Genealogy, and Oral History Forum Chair (2013-2014) and is currently co-chair for the 2015 Annual Conference. She has also participated in ALA’s National Legislative Day. As she noted in her candidate statement, Samantha has “a desire to become more engaged with big picture issues affecting our profession nationally.” I know from working with Sam on the conference committee that VLA will be well represented at ALA Council meetings.
Please join me in congratulating Samantha on her appointment!

-Suzy Szasz Palmer, VLA President

See also: VLA Seeking New ALA Councilor for 2016



Virginia Library Association Announces 2015 Award Winners

The Virginia Library Association (VLA) is pleased to announce the 2015 winners of the VLA Trustee Library Award, the George Mason Award, and the Friends of the Library Award. The awards will be presented at the VLA Annual Conference in Richmond, VA on Friday, October 23 at the Richmond Marriott and Convention Center.

Trustee Library Award

The Trustee Library Award is presented annually in recognition of distinguished service to a Library or Libraries in Virginia. This year’s winner is Mr. Michael L. Ramsey of the Roanoke Public Library Foundation. During his tenure, the Foundation’s endowment has almost doubled and a significant expansion of the Virginia Room occurred. This expansion allowed more people to research their family histories and local, regional, and state history. His efforts have led to the expansion of programs promoting early childhood literacy and as well as those that reach other age groups. As a result, the City Libraries are one of the top libraries in the state in the number of programs offered and program attendance. Mr. Ramsey’s unwavering advocacy for the libraries has led to funding by the City of Roanoke for renovations that will modernize all the Roanoke Public Libraries with new facilities, technology, and refreshed collections that represent the neighborhoods they serve. In short, a library could not ask for a better champion than Mike Ramsey.

Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library Award is presented annually to a Friends Group in recognition of distinguished service to a Library or Libraries in Virginia. This year’s winner is the Friends of the Culpeper County Library. The Friends of the Culpeper County Library is a nonprofit, volunteer organization with approximately 200 members. Their purpose is to bring attention to the Culpeper County Library, support and provide educational programming, assist in the development of children’s services, and encourage the support of the Library. The Friends group makes possible many activities including summer reading programs for children and teens, author events, flower sales in the spring and fall, a storytelling festival, Chamber breakfasts, and a used book store to name. Without the efforts of the Friends group, the Culpeper County Library would not be able to provide many of the services and events that are integral to the library’s success.

George Mason Award

The George Mason Award may be presented to an individual librarian, a library, an individual or organization distinguished for advocacy of libraries and/or information access, or to an institution, business, or academic program whose activity has contributed to the development, growth, and extension of library and information services in the local community, the state, or the nation. This year’s winner is Edwin S. Clay III. For more than 30 years, Sam Clay has served as the director of the Fairfax County Public Library. During his tenure, four regional and five community branches were added to the county library system, and four older branches were renovated. Mr. Clay was instrumental in the establishment of the Fairfax County Library Foundation, which since its inception in 1995 has donated more than $7.5 million to the Fairfax County Libraries. The community of Virginia librarians is fortunate to have the dedicated and passionate commitment of Mr. Clay. The George Mason Award is a fitting and richly deserved recognition for all that he has helped us accomplish together.

- Published August 26, 2015

VLA Seeking Applications for ALA Councilor for 2016

VLA is accepting applications now through September 1 for the appointed position of American Library Association Chapter Councilor for 2016. As per Rebecca K. Miller’s email, she has taken a position in Pennsylvania that precludes her from participating as Virginia’s Councilor to the American Library Association.

A description of responsibilities is below.  The VLA Executive Committee ( will review applications and will select an appointee in the coming weeks. If you are interested in this appointment, please send a candidate statement and biographical information to Lisa R. Varga, VLA Executive Director by September 1, 2015. For examples of Candidate Statements and Biographical Information, please see our current candidates for VLA Office.

If you have any questions about serving as the VLA Chapter Councilor for the year 2016, Rebecca is happy to answer them. Please reach out to her at [email protected].   

As per ALA’s Bylaws, this appointment lasts one year. VLA will elect a Councilor for a new 3 year term during our 2016 election process (which begins next summer.)

VLA Chapter Councilor to ALA Responsibilities
The Virginia Library Association (VLA) Chapter Councilor position includes responsibilities and privileges at both the state and national levels.  This position is a fantastic way to participate in national conversations and represent the Commonwealth of Virginia on a national platform.  
As a member of the VLA Executive Committee, the VLA Chapter Councilor is expected to attend the annual Executive Committee retreat, quarterly VLA Executive Committee, and VLA Council meetings in Richmond, VA.  Dates for these meetings are as follows:

  • December 3-4, 2015 (Executive Committee retreat, Roanoke, VA)
  • January 28-29, 2016 (Executive Committee and Council meeting, Richmond, VA)
  • April 21-22, 2016 (Executive Committee and Council meeting, Richmond, VA)
  • June 2-3, 2016 (Executive Committee and Council meeting, Richmond, VA)
  • September 15-16, 2016 (Executive Committee and Council meeting, Richmond, VA)
  • October 25-27, 2016 (VLA Annual Conference, Omni Homestead Resort, Hot Springs, VA)

Executive Committee members arrive in Richmond on Thursday afternoon and stay in Richmond through the Council meeting on Friday morning.  VLA covers the expense of a hotel room on Thursday night.  The Virginia Chapter Councilor is expected to offer quarterly reports on activities and communicate discussions and activities occurring at the national level.
In addition to attending VLA meetings, the Virginia Chapter Councilor is expected to attend ALA Annual and Midwinter meetings in order to participate in ALA Council sessions and discussions.  At the conferences, Chapter Councilors usually attend three ALA Council sessions, two ALA Council forums, and the Chapter Councilor Forum, in addition to any other meetings or opportunities that the VLA Executive Committee may identify.  The Virginia Library Association covers the expense of registration, travel, lodging, and meals at ALA Annual and Midwinter conferences for the Virginia Chapter Councilor.  

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