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UPDATE: HB2191 Take Action to Sustain The Veto NOW

Last week, we let you know about Governor Terry McAuliffe’s veto of HB2191. If you would like for this veto to be sustained, we ask that you take action now by calling or emailing your Senator. VLA and the Virginia Association of School Librarians have worked together to create talking points for phone calls and a message to send via email. Please make your calls or send emails as soon as possible.

Here is a list of Senators who voted for and against HB2191 earlier this year:

For more history on HB2191, please see our Intellectual Freedom Updates from February 22 ( and February 1, 2017 (

For a description of the veto process in Virginia’s General Assembly: “The bill is sent to the Governor for approval, where the Governor may 1) sign the bill into law; 2) amend the bill and return it to the General Assembly for approval; 3) veto the bill and return it to the General Assembly, where the House of Delegates and the Senate may override the veto by a two-thirds vote of both houses; or, 4) take no action and the bill becomes law without the Governor’s signature.”

Lisa R. Varga, MLS
Executive Director
Virginia Library Association
P.O. Box 56312
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Phone: (757) 689-0594
Fax: (757) 447-3478
[email protected]

2018 VLA Elections: Call for Nominations

Every year, the VLA Executive Committee seeks new candidates for open positions on the Executive Committee, and the entire membership votes on those candidates. This year we are seeking candidates for the three positions listed below, so please nominate a colleague or yourself!

VP/President Elect (3 years)
Second VP (two years)
Treasurer (two years)

To learn about the duties and responsibilities, please see page 15 of the VLA Manual, listed here.

Beginning October 13 (at the end of the 2017 VLA Annual Conference), these successful candidates will be joining the following members of the Executive Committee:

Todd Elliott, President
Keith Weimer, Immediate Past-President
Jennifer Resor-Whicker, Secretary
Samantha Thomason, ALA Councilor
Lisa R. Varga, Executive Director

Please submit your nomination to Martha Hutzel, Chair of the Nominating Committee, at [email protected], by April 14th. Any questions can be directed to her via email, or by calling 540-372-1144.

In addition, you may wish to contact the other members of the Nominating Committee:
Kevin Smith, [email protected], 757-890-5134
Kimberly Knight, [email protected], 202-306-4452

Thank you!
Martha M. Hutzel
Library Administration
1201 Caroline St.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
540-372-1144, Ext. 260


2017 TILC Travel Grant Winner Announced

The Innovative Library Classroom (TILC) is pleased to award the 2017 TILC Travel Grant to Chanelle Pickens.

Chanelle Pickens earned a Master's in Library & Information Science, with an Archives & Records Management focus, from San Jose State University in 2014 and a B.S. in Communications from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2004. A Visiting Librarian at West Virginia University as part of the Diversity Alliance, she is a member of the Research Services & Instruction unit. Chanelle’s professional objectives include: expanding her skills in instruction and curriculum development; actively conducting research on mindfulness and contemplative pedagogy as they relate to IL, library instruction, and community building; and extending her network of interested colleagues by participating in advocacy activities and professional development. Lifelong learning is also extremely important to Chanelle and she includes data services, open educational resources/open access, and assessment as professional interests.

The Innovative Library Classroom Travel Grant helps an individual from an underrepresented group attend TILC by providing funding for registration or accommodations at a nearby hotel.

The Innovative Library Classroom

The Innovative Library Classroom is a day-long conference dedicated to the exploration of innovative practices related to teaching and learning in libraries. TILC will be held at Radford University in Radford, VA on May 10 and May 11. Registration for TILC will open March 13 and is limited to 100 participants. Learn more on the TILC website.


Take Action Now for Intellectual Freedom

The following email was sent to VLA members on February 22, 2017, 10:30 a.m.

In the last two days, HB2191 was passed by the VA Senate and adopted by the House. The bill now goes to Governor Terry McAuliffe. In this Richmond Times-Dispatch article, the Governor stated that he intends to veto the bill:

  • If you would like to show your support of the veto by writing an email to the Governor, please click here:
  • If you would like to show your support of the veto by calling the Governor’s office, please click here for suggested phrasing:

CQEngage is provided by a partnership with the American Library Association. We anticipate a decision by the Governor by Friday, so please act quickly.

For more background and information about HB2191 and its predecessor, 2016’s HB516, please click here:

Lisa R. Varga, MLS
Executive Director
Virginia Library Association
P.O. Box 56312
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Phone: (757) 689-0594 Fax: (757) 447-3478
[email protected]

Free Webinar: What is this Poster Session you Speak of? Public Libraries and VLA Conference Posters

Have a great outreach story, awesome programming idea, or a unique collection in your library? We'd love you to share it at VLA's annual conference #2017VLA in October!

Presenting in front of a crowd can be scary though, so why not submit a poster? Not sure what a poster session is? Join us on February 27th at 11am and listen in as KT Vaughan, JMU Director of Research & Education Services, Acting Associate Dean, and VLA Poster Session Coordinator explains how easy posters can be to Nan Carmack, Campbell County Public Library Director and poster novice.

All types of librarians are welcome to join and prepare a proposal, and no question is too simple!

Registration is free but please register by February 26th so we have an accurate count. A recording will be made available to all registrants within one week of the webinar. You do not need to be a VLA member to register.

Click here to register: Webinar: What is this Poster Session you Speak of? Public Libraries and VLA Conference Posters

View of a poster from VLA's 2016 Conference by Patty Clark and Sue Erickson of Virginia Wesleyan College, Norfolk, VA

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