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The Library of Virginia returns to the State Fair! Volunteers Needed


The Library of Virginia will be promoting our state-wide presence at the Virginia State Fair at Meadow Event Park in Caroline County, September 29 through October 8, 2017. We will have a booth in the Farm Bureau Building, which is where all the indoor Fair vendors are located. Last year, nearly 250,000 people visited the Fair! This is a great opportunity to meet new people and promote resources available through public libraries and with the support of the Library of Virginia.

We will need some help! We are looking for enthusiastic, friendly, outgoing VLA members and public librarians to share the booth and promote library services to Virginians at the Fair!

If you are interested, e-mail Mary Clark [email protected]  or Donna Pletcher [email protected]  by Wednesday August 23, 2017.

Below are some of the expectations for the volunteers:

  • You will be expected to be knowledgeable about the resources available to residents either freely or with an LVA library registration (there will be a cheat sheet)
  • Public librarians and VLA members will also be able to engage with visitors about their library services; people come from all over Virginia for the Fair
  • You will be expected to actively engage people passing the booth
  • You will be expected to help people register for a LVA library card on a tablet at our booth
  • Ability to use social media greatly appreciated, but not necessary
  • Stamina and patience will help, too
  • We hope to staff the booth with one VLA /public library staff member and one Library of Virginia staff member during each shift – there are a total of 20 shifts during the 10 days of the Fair
  • Shifts will be 9:45 AM to 4 PM, and 3:45 PM to 9 PM Sunday through Thursday and 3:45 PM to 10 PM Friday and Saturday.  The doors to the Farm Bureau building open to the public at 10 AM.
  • Booths must be staffed at all times for the duration of the Fair
  • You will receive one ticket to the Fair that will be good the day of your shift. Parking is free

The Library of Virginia gratefully acknowledges the support of the Virginia Library Association at the 2017 Virginia State Fair!




Statement from the Virginia Library Association about the Events of August 11-12, 2017

The Virginia Library Association condemns the violence and terror committed by the “Unite the Right” rally of white supremacists in Charlottesville this past weekend. We express our condolences to the families of Heather Heyer, Lieutenant H. Jay Cullen, Trooper-Pilot Berke M. M. Bates, and we send our thoughts and prayers to all those injured in the car attack and other incidents on Saturday.

Diversity and inclusion are among the Virginia Library Association’s core values, and we represent library professionals who seek to serve all residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia. We come from a variety of political perspectives and affiliations, and value diversity of thought, but we unequivocally reject the white supremacist ideology, exclusion, and intimidation represented at the “Unite the Right” march.

VLA has added a session to our conference program at 2:15pm on Friday, October 13, about the events in Charlottesville. The program will be hosted by members of the staff of Jefferson-Madison Regional Library.

The Virginia Library Association 2017 Executive Committee



People and Happenings: January-June 2017

The latest edition of VLA's People and Happenings has been posted

What's new with you?

Have you recently received a promotion? Has your library system hired new staff? Is your building undergoing a renovation or are you adding a new location? Or do you want to celebrate your staff's hard work on a recent event? VLA wants to know!

Anyone in Virginia can share their library updates to be posted on our “People & Happenings” page. Send your news in by the 15th of each month. Please keep your news items brief and please do include any relevant photographs, such as headshots for people and in-progress shots of renovations and new buildings. Please send your items to [email protected].



New for #2017VLA: Lightning Talks!

Lightning Talks

The deadline for Lightning Talks at the 2017 VLA Annual Conference was September 1, 2017. Lightning Talks allow you to focus on a single idea or question that you have been considering, and would like to bring forward. The lighting talk format is completely flexible, but can be no longer than 7 minutes.

The selection process will be aided by online voting that will take place on from September 11-15, 2017. Lightning talk presenters do not receive the presenter discount. Lightning Talk presenters who attend only to present their talk (and not attend the conference) are not required to register.


Banned Books Week 2017 -- it’s not too early to plan!

Planning your 2017 Banned (and challenged) Books Week events and displays? We’ve got news! The VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee, sponsor of the annual BBW display contest, announced that they will give awards for the best academic library display and the best public library display this year. So, get your thinking caps on, grab some markers and a whiteboard, and round up your team to craft your most creative events and displays for this year’s Banned Books Week (September 24-30, 2017)!

If you need inspiration, check out the ALA Banned Books Week site: There are tons of ideas there! Also check out “Fifty Shades of Banned Books Week” -- a fantastic webinar sponsored last fall by the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom and hosted by the Assistant Director of OIF, Kristin Pekoll. You can watch it online here:

Make sure you document your Banned Books Week events so that you can send us your photos, press releases, and other PR materials once the contest is open. Winners will be announced at the annual conference in Norfolk in October!

Winners will get bragging rights (and a nice certificate) for the whole year -- good luck!

The VLA Intellectual Freedom Committee
Stand up for your right to read!

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